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Application of DPF filter
Working principle of diesel particulate filter (DPF carrier) Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF. Diesel Particulate Filter) is a wall-flow honeycomb ceramic with cordierite or silicon carbide as raw material. The main component contained in the exhaust gas of diesel engine is carbon particles, and th...
Silicon carbide reaction sintering furnace
Reaction sintered silicon carbide ceramics are also called self-bonded silicon carbide ceramics. Typical products are the commercial materials REFEL and KT and silicon impregnated sintered silicon carbide. The plastic blank is generally made of silicon carbide powder (~ 5μm), carbon or graphite a...
Silicon carbide pressureless sintering furnace
The pressureless sintering of silicon carbide can be divided into two types: solid phase sintering and liquid phase sintering. Solid phase sintering was first invented by American scientist Prochazka in 1974. He added a small amount of B and C to the sub-micron β-SiC to achieve pressureless sinte...
High temperature high pressure vacuum pressure impregnation
high temperature and high pressure vacuum pressure impregnation application: High temperature and high pressure vacuum impregnation system is suitable for the special material industry, through the vacuum, high temperature, high pressure and other technology to make a variety of materials polymer...
Vacuum sintering furnace manufacturer
Application of vacuum sintering furnace products: suitable for heat treatment of electronic ceramics, glass, crystal, powder metallurgy, nano materials, metal parts, electronic components, new materials and powder materials in vacuum environment. vacuum sintering furnace main functions and featur...
How to nitride parts in vacuum
Vacuum nitriding technology Vacuum nitriding is to use vacuum furnace to heat iron and steel parts as a whole, fill a small amount of gas, produce living nitrogen atoms in the low-pressure state to infiltrate and diffuse into the steel to achieve hardening; while ion nitriding is to rely on the a...
Vacuum heat treatment process of mould processing
Vacuum heat treatment process of mould The development of heat treatment is accompanied by the development of mechanical manufacturing industry. Mechanical manufacturing puts forward higher requirements for heat treatment, and the heat treatment of mold is the most technical part of heat treatmen...
vacuum heat treatment development and advantages
Vacuum heat treatment, as the name implies, is to heat treat the workpiece in the state of no oxygen. The biggest advantage of vacuum heat treatment is to prevent the workpiece from oxidation and decarburization. Overcome the inherent defects of ordinary heat treatment. From its birth to present,...
Tungsten carbide vacuum sintering furnace
In tungsten carbide, carbon atoms are embedded in the interstices of the tungsten metal crystal lattice without damaging the original metal crystal lattice, forming an interstitial solid solution, so it is also called an interstitial (or intercalation) compound. Tungsten carbide can be prepared b...
NdfeB vacuum sintering furnace
New technology of vacuum sintering and rapid setting tablet casting combined with hydrogen blasting, jet milling and low oxygen processes is applied to production technology of high-performance sintered NdFeB magnets. The process of sintering NdFeB magnets is performed in N2, Ar, and H2 atmospher...